The Fitness Industry is Broken
Welcome to the fitness industry! Whether you have been here for awhile or just a short time, I am sure that you have run into a number of annoying and industry-breaking issues over your stay. Today, I am here to complain about a few of them.
First, let me start on a more positive note - the reason I work with Cam as my partner in all the independent, “fitness industry,” things that I do (much like this website) is because he is someone who does not fall under these categories. Cam is just about as opposite to a lot of these issues as a person can get, and I really respect and align myself with that stance. So if you are reading this cam, kudos to you!
The rest of this article is going to be my opinion post in regards to the worst issues we can see in the industry, and what myself and my good friend try to stay as far away from as possible. Here goes nothing.
1. Integrity is scarce.
Now, you could argue that integrity is truly scarce in a lot of different industries these days. Maybe it is our culture shift, or maybe we have always been a little sketchy as a people in regards to true and honest integrity. Funny enough, one of the top issues I see with the fitness industry is also one of the founding protocols for our company. One of the protocols to success is listed as integrity, protocol number 10 to be specific. In my mind, being able to perform with equal focus and intent in regards to training as well as how we treat people is essential to success. With fitness, we need to be ready to attack every training session with full vigor and true, solid mindset.
2. Everyone is trying to sell. No one is trying to help fix problems.
From what I have learned as a young student of business, how companies grow in great size and status (in a more moral fashion) is through authentically and honestly trying to solve the problems of a client. Often, I see fitness industry personnel more focused on the dollar signs, as many of us are sales people, than trying to truly fix an issue that exists for a customer and build a relationship with them through trust and rapport. One scamy sale cannot weigh itself against 10 honest sales done with helpful intent over a long period of time. Fix problems and make that the priority.
3. No one knows anything / Everyone is lying
This one is a two-for (tew-fer!) because there are kind of a combination of these types of people that exist. Either they do not know enough to truly help a client, they lie in order to make a sale, or a little of both (which would be worse). When people feel like they don’t know enough information to help someone out they either admit that and look to do research for that client or they try to bluff their way into short-term rapport with the client. The third kind is just lying. Some people do not know and lie just to lie and make things easier on themselves. The third kind is common - and it sucks.
I could honestly write about the issues that exist in our industry to an almost endless extent - how hard it is to make a living-wage inside of a big box gym or a big-branded personal training studio, fitness industry supplement companies, fitness education companies and sales artists, etc. And I probably will eventually write about those things - but that will be later on.
TL;DR: Keep your eyes peeled - the fitness industry is not a very honest and reasonable place to be caught in a dark ally with. The objective for most people involved (broad brush stroke, I know) is to make money and that is it. Find people who are truly looking to fix problems - they are out there.
Andrew Happel
Andrew Happel is an online coach who specializes in powerbuilding, or creating strong and aesthetic-looking bodies.